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Welcome, friends.

outCASTING Media is a creative content studio and full-service casting & development house working across linear, digital, and emerging platforms. 


We strive to bring inclusivity & diversity to every production in the talent we cast. 


Scripted / Unscripted / New Media 

Whatever you call it, we develop, cast (and yes, even produce) it!



What We Do

We're all about sourcing incredible talent in the wild world of casting and development


This means series casting, host casting, pilot casting, editorial, branded, user-generated, commercial... and everything in between.


From SAG-AFTRA to #RealPeopleCasting, we know great talent and we'll book them!​



Led by Casting Director Jenna Kammo, C.S.A. who started her production career in conflict TV, in what she calls, "Booking Bootcamp". 


In non-fiction casting, our team strives to find real people with personalities and stories that audiences will never forget.


In scripted, we understand character development 


Learn more about how we can tailor our work to your casting needs.



When we develop, we strive to create content that blends enlightenment, entertainment, and diversity.


Our mission is to share stories behind the voices of the non-traditional.


Let's create something great together.


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